Yosemite Sierra Visitors Bureau Unveils New Logo

Jul 11, 2013 No Comments by

OAKHURST The Yosemite Sierra Visitors Bureau unveiled a new logo featuring more graphics and vivid colors Wednesday.

The new logo is meant to capture people’s attention by using an iconic image from Yosemite National Park.

“We wanted to have a logo that quickly grabbed people’s attention as today’s society zeroes in on images more than words,” said Rhonda Salisbury, director of marketing for the Bureau.

“People are bombarded by marketing so frequently, you really need to have something that breaks through the noise and captures their interest in less than a second. Half Dome is iconic enough that it does that,” said Jarrod Lyman, PR director for the YSVB.

Lyman and Salisbury worked with 12Toes Promotions to design the new logo. They said numerous iterations were sent back and forth before the final arrangement was approved by the board of directors during their June meeting.

The new logo replaces one that has been utilized by the Bureau since 1998, and is the third one used by the YSVB. The prior logo was green and said the Bureau’s name with a small element on the top that signified mountains.

Tourism officials report that so far, the response has been positive.

“We sent the logo out to our partners and so far they have said they like the new look. We know change always comes with some concerns, so to be getting this response is really encouraging that the work was worth it,” Salisbury said.

The Yosemite Sierra Visitors Bureau is responsible for promoting the southern gateway region of Yosemite, known as Madera County: California’s Gateway to Yosemite. In addition to the park, the YSVB showcases what they call the “Fossils to Falls Trail”, a series of attractions in Madera County that feature everything from museums and art galleries to wineries and lakes before culminating in Yosemite.

“Our diverse array of attractions is what we believe sets us apart from other destinations,” Lyman said.  ”There is so much to do here, and the Fossils To Falls Trail helps people take advantage of that. We like to help travelers make their vacation about the entire journey, not just the destination.”



Headlines, Non Profit

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