Two Fresno State Students Win APTRA’s Best General News Award

Jun 26, 2014 No Comments by

FRESNO — Mass communication and journalism students G.J. Glutz and Ashley Monk received the 2014 Best General News Award in the student category from the Associated Press Television Radio Association for their Fresno State Focus report on international students at Fresno State.  

They competed against journalism students from 13 states in the competition that recognizes excellence in broadcast journalism among APTRA members in the western United States. Dale Yurong of KFSN ABC 30 won first place in the Best News Writing category (Class 2).

“The APTRA Awards represent the highest standards of broadcast journalism,” said board president John Shaffer. “This year the APTRA Awards were more competitive than they have been in the past thanks to an increase in the numbers of entries, both on the individual and station level.”

The APTRA Awards were judged by AP-member broadcasters in Mississippi and Texas.

Glutz was the reporter/editor for the Fresno State entry and Monk  was the photographer.

They profiled Dongyan Zhang, an international student from China, in a story that aired on Fresno State Focus, a news and public affairs program produced by Fresno State students. It airs on Comcast 94, AT&T 99 and CMAC.TV during the fall and spring semesters.

 “G.J. and Ashley worked well together as a team to tell a touching story about an international student who was finding it difficult to make new friends,” said Faith Sidlow, a lecturer who teaches the broadcast journalism class that produces the show.

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