Survey: ‘Doing Meaningful Work’ Tops Lawyers’ List Of Greatest Legal Career Concerns

Apr 25, 2014 No Comments by

MENLO PARK, Calif., April 25, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Lawyers are more concerned with making an impact than getting ahead financially, a recent survey from Robert Half Legal suggests. More than one-quarter (26 percent) of lawyers interviewed said doing meaningful work is their greatest legal career concern. Benefits ranked second with 20 percent of the survey response, followed by career growth or professional development (18 percent). Compensation was cited as the top concern by just 14 percent of those surveyed.

The survey was developed by Robert Half Legal, a premier legal staffing firm specializing in the placement of lawyers, paralegals and other highly skilled legal professionals. It was conducted by an independent research firm and is based on 350 telephone interviews with lawyers in the United States and Canada: 175 of the respondents are employed at law firms with 20 or more employees and 175 are employed at companies with 1,000 or more employees.

Lawyers were asked, “What is your primary career concern?” Their responses:

Doing meaningful work 26%
Benefits (e.g., healthcare or retirement) 20%
Career growth or professional development 18%
Compensation 14%
Job stability 11%
Health of my company (e.g., new clients/ business generation, beating competition) 2%
Other 1%
None/don’t know/no answer 8%
Total 100%

“The legal field is demanding, and the long hours and daily challenges can take their toll,” said Charles Volkert, executive director of Robert Half Legal. “Finding work that is both personally enriching and financially rewarding creates the greatest job satisfaction for legal professionals. Benefits, compensation and job stability go only so far when the work itself lacks meaning.”

Headlines, Legal/Finance

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