PINC Announces Transitions Children’s Services as 2014 Beneficiary

Nov 27, 2013 No Comments by

FRESNO – Philanthropy Inspired by the Needs of our Community (PINC), a unique Fresno nonprofit founded in 2008 to benefit other local nonprofits in the community, has announced the beneficiary for its 6th annual fundraising event to be held on June 7, 2014.

The beneficiary for the event, slated to be an old Hollywood-style event, will be Transitions Children’s Services, a relatively new non-profit whose purpose is to provide quality, culturally competent treatment foster care and extended foster care services to children, families and non-minor dependents in the child welfare and foster care system.

Now entering its seventh year of operation and sixth year of holding its signature fundraising events, PINC and its members have accomplished great things in the community helping to support the other amazing no-profits in Fresno County working to make it a better place to live. Since 2009, PINC has raised a total of $139,500 through its annual fundraising events benefitting Angel Babies of Hinds Hospice (2009); Marjaree Mason Center (2010); Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Central California (2011); Break The Barriers (2012) and Catholic Charities – Diocese of Fresno (2013).

“We are excited to continue our mission to serve the needs of our community with this year’s fundraising event benefitting Transitions Children’s Services,” said Kirin Sran, current president of PINC. “We have been aware of this great non-profit for a few years and are happy to have selected them as this year’s beneficiary as we know our fundraising efforts will have a great impact on what they’re able to accomplish.”

PINC members selected Transitions Children’s Services as the 2014 event beneficiary after a formal application process. Applications were reviewed by the PINC board and narrowed down to three finalists who then spoke at a PINC member meeting about what their organization does in the community and how the money will impact what they do. The PINC members then voted to select Transitions Children’s Services as the 2014 event beneficiary.

The mission of Transitions Children’s Services is to serve abused and/or neglected children who have been removed from their homes and are in need of loving, nurturing and competent foster families. Transitions’ focus is to recruit, train and support families interested in fostering children, as well as provide culturally sensitive services that reflect the goals and objectives of the placing agencies from which they receive referrals. Transitions’ social workers work diligently to meet the needs of any child placed in foster care, support families who open their home to children and work with placing agencies as treatment plans are developed and implemented. The non-profit’s vision is to see all children who have been removed from their homes reunified with their families. It is their goal to support the reunification process and transition children out of foster care when deemed safe and appropriate by the placing agency.

“We feel that all children deserve a home and a family who will love and nurture them. Should a child need the services of a foster home, we strive to provide the best foster care services possible until a more permanent plan can be achieved,” said Brian Van Anne, MSW, CEO of Transitions Children’s Services.

“When I found out Transitions Children’s Services was selected as PINC’s 2014 beneficiary I literally could not stop smiling.  This is the biggest thing to happen to us in our almost five years of operation,” Van Anne continued. “We strive to go above and beyond what is expected, offering our children experiences that are not otherwise required by the State.  With PINC’s support, we will be able to fund these programs and more for several years, affecting the lives of hundreds of children in foster care in a very positive way.”

Mark your calendars for the 6th Annual PINC Event, June 7 benefitting Transitions Children’s Services. Tickets will go on-sale in March 2014, but for businesses or individuals who wish to be part of this event there are a variety of sponsorship, as well as silent auction donation opportunities. Visit for more information or email

“We want to continue our upward trend in fundraising for these amazing non-profits, as well as share with the community who Transitions Children’s Services is and what amazing work they are doing,” Sran said.  “In order to do this, we need the support of the community through sponsorships, monetary donations or silent auction donations and event attendees. So we encourage individuals and businesses to join in our efforts and get involved with our June event.”

Headlines, Non Profit

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