Local Hospital CEO, Jack Chubb Named to National Committee

Oct 31, 2012 No Comments by

Jack Chubb, CEO of Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno, is now on a national healthcare committee with other top hospital officials from across the country

Fresno, Calif. – Jack Chubb, CEO of Community Regional Medical Center, has been selected to sit on the Premier Healthcare Alliance’s Group Purchasing and Member Relations stockholder committee.

Chubb joins numerous hospital CEO’s and some CFO’s who are already a part of this nationwide committee.  He attended his first meeting earlier in October, and he said the group strives to improve hospital safety and quality.

“I’m certainly honored by the opportunity to serve on the Premier committee that’s really focused on improving quality and trying to reduce cost in the healthcare delivery environment, principally in hospitals,” Chubb said.

“It’s a virtual who’s who of healthcare leaders from across the country,” Chubb later added.

Community Regional Medical Center is one of the busiest and most active hospitals in the state of California.  In addition to sharing ideas from Community Regional with other committee members, Chubb also plans on taking ideas away from his colleagues.  He already has some phone appointments set up.

“The goal is to identify the ways to provide more efficient and cost-effective delivery of healthcare,” Chubb said.


Headlines, Health Care

About the author

James Olinger is a native of the San Joaquin Valley. He graduated from West Hills College in Coalinga, California in 2000 with an associate's degree in liberal arts. He joined Business Street in 2004 as a staff writer, and became the associate editor in 2007. He maintains that position today, writing for Business Street Online in a variety of topics.
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