Huge Clovis multi-million expansion nears completion

May 23, 2014 No Comments by

The last milestones of Clovis Community Medical Center’s $300 million-plus expansion project unfolded this spring, leaving just a few final touches for the project’s culmination this fall.

“We’ve spent several years planning and expanding to meet our community’s healthcare needs ,” said John Kass R.N., CNO and interim COO at Clovis Community Medical Center. “And with just a few months to go we’re very proud of this beautiful campus, its technology and facilities, that were all designed with the ultimate patient experience in mind.”

Photo courtesy Socrates Lozano, KFSN-TV ABC30. Construction continues on the $300 million-plus expansion and renovation of Clovis Community Medical Center as labor & delivery and postpartum services moved into the newly remodeled Women’s Pavilion.

Over the last few weeks, changes have transformed the hospital’s campus both inside and out:

  • Labor & delivery and postpartum moved into the newly remodeled Women’s Pavilion, which is now fully occupied.
  • Construction continues to expand the obstetrics triage area, which will be completed in early June.
  • The fifth floor of the bed tower opened for medical/surgical patients adding 40 additional all-private rooms for a total of 208 in the hospital.
  • Construction began on a second medical office building at the north end of campus. It’s expected to open in 2015.
  • A major campus landscape project continues to transform the 42-acre campus into a park-like, environmentally friendly setting – using reclaimed water, making the hospital the largest user of reclaimed water in the city of Clovis.

Still to come in the $300 million-plus project is the second phase of pharmacy and laboratory improvements and completing finishing touches on the main lobby and surgery areas. All these are scheduled to be completed by the fall of 2014.

Headlines, Health Care

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