Global Talent Shortage Hits Seven-Year High

Jun 02, 2014 No Comments by

MILWAUKEE, June 2, 2014 /PRNewswire/ – ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN), the world’s workforce expert, today released the company’s ninth annual Talent Shortage Survey results, revealing global employers continue to be plagued by talent shortages.

ManpowerGroup’s survey of more than 37,000 employers in 42 countries and territories found that 36 percent of global employers are having difficulty finding candidates with the right skills to fill open positions.

“Talent shortages continue to persist and are impeding employers’ ability to deliver value for their customers,” said Jonas Prising, ManpowerGroup CEO. “Due to the lack of applicants with the right technical competencies, experience and soft skills, one out of three employers struggle to fill open roles. For nearly a decade skilled trades and STEM positions are among the top 10 hardest jobs to fill, both globally and in the U.S.”

The top 10 hardest jobs to fill globally and in the U.S. are:

Global Hardest Jobs to Fill in 2014 U.S. Hardest Jobs to Fill in 2014
1.   Skilled Trades 1.     Skilled Trades
2.   Engineers 2.     Restaurant & Hotel Staff
3.   Technicians 3.     Sales Representatives
4.   Sales Representatives 4.     Teachers
5.   Accounting & Finance Staff 5.     Drivers
6.   Management / Executives 6.     Accounting & Finance Staff
7.   Sales Managers 7.     Laborers
8.   IT Staff 8.     IT Staff
9.   Office Support Staff 9.     Engineers
10. Drivers 10.   Nurses

ManpowerGroup 2014 Talent Shortage Survey Key Findings:

  • Thirty-six percent of global employers are having difficulty filling jobs. This percentage has increased for the second consecutive year and is at its highest level since 2007.
  • More than 50 percent of global employers reporting talent shortages say the shortages significantly impact their ability to meet client needs. Forty percent of employers say shortages reduce their competitiveness / productivity.
  • Among the U.S. employers surveyed, 40 percent report difficulty filling positions. For the fifth consecutive year, skilled trades positions are the most difficult jobs to fill. Restaurant and hotel positions are in second place — the first time these jobs have been part of the Top 10 since 2010. Sales representative roles dropped from second to third on the list.
  • Almost half of employers who are addressing talent shortages are doing so through alternative people practices (i.e. training and development for existing staff, utilizing non-traditional or new recruitment practices). One in four employers is exploring new talent sources. In addition, 23 percent are implementing alternative work models (including increasing the focus on their talent pipeline, redesigning current work procedures, or integrating contingent workers).
  • More than one in five (22 percent) employers who are experiencing talent shortages are not presently pursuing strategies to address such shortages. This is unchanged from 2013.
  • Employers in Japan report the greatest talent shortages globally (81 percent). Acute shortages were also reported in Peru, India, Argentina, Brazil and Turkey.
Headlines, Legal/Finance

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