Fresno City Council Moves to Online Meetings to Reduce COVID-19 Exposure Risk
Effective immediately, all City public meetings, including but not limited to Planning Commission and Council meetings, shall be conducted electronically through web services and telephone.
“In an effort to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and flatten the curve, City Council meetings will be held electronically while providing the public several options to participate,” said Fresno Council President Miguel Arias. “This action allows us to ensure the health and safety of our essential employees and the public.”
As stated in an emergency order from the City Manager, council chambers are to be closed to the public until further notice.
Beginning April 9th, Councilmembers and the public will join council meetings via Zoom, a web conference tool. The public will be able to provide comments during the council meeting via Zoom’s web platform or phone number. A designated phone line will offer Spanish and Hmong translation for a specific item on Thursday’s agenda.
Written comments will also be accepted and entered into the record throughout the meeting via the City Clerk’s existing E-Comments software and email.
Meetings will continue to be streamed on via Channel 96 (Comcast) or 99 (AT&T) and from the City’s website at
For additional information, please contact Council President Miguel Arias at 559-906-1443