BNSF Railway Offers Fresno County Youth a Train Experience
FRESNO – Freight company BNSF Railway brought Boys & Girls Clubs of Fresno County youth aboard the BNSF Special train Wednesday for a rare treat: a two-hour train trip from Fresno to Hanford and back.
The train is used specifically for business purposes and special events, said Lena Kent, company spokesperson, who also said many of the children had never boarded a train before. The company also presented a $10,000 check to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Fresno County, part of the more than $2 million BNSF has given to Boys & Girls Clubs over the years.
“We believe in not only supporting them financially, but also providing opportunities for kids to come and experience a train ride and a little bit about what we’re doing,” Kent said.
Other guests enjoyed the ride and lunch on the train, including officials from the Boys & Girls Clubs.
“This was really a surprise for us,” said Diane Carbray, executive director of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Fresno County.