Adventist Health Employees Bring Christmas Blessings

Dec 26, 2012 No Comments by

CENTRAL VALLEYAdventist Health employees, volunteers and physicians throughout the Central Valley blessed the lives of many this holiday season by giving back to their communities.

Multiple departments helped collect toys for more than 100 local Kings County foster children. The toys were delivered to the Kings County Human Services Agency in early December.
The Organizational Performance Department put a new twist on the Christmas giving this year. Instead of sharing gifts with each other, they bought 60 gifts they liked or would have liked as children and donated them to Toys for Tots. They worked with Staff Sgt. Calvin Whitmore of the Marine Corps to deliver the toys.

The Resource Management Department donated to Coats For Kids and the Barbara Saville Women’s Shelter in Hanford, and Admitting staff created a “Christmas Fund” to collect spare change throughout the year to serve families in need during the holidays.

“Our staff’s generosity and giving spirits are just one of the many ways they share God’s love in the communities we serve,” said Wayne Ferch, president and CEO of Adventist Health / Central Valley Network.

Additionally, the Adventist Medical Center – Reedley Women’s Services Department staff collected household items for a family that moved to the area with few possessions. They received 25 items from staff for the family. A canned food and toy drive was also held at the Reedley hospital.

In Selma, Adventist Medical Center – Selma Emergency Department staff partnered with the Selma Fire Department to donate over 200 toys to Burn Foundation children. Staff also contributed to the Selma Cares giveaway.

Adventist Health volunteers spread Christmas joy by making newborn-sized Christmas stockings and caps for babies born at the network’s hospitals in Hanford, Selma and Reedley. Over 300 stockings and caps were sewn and knitted for babies born during December.
For Thanksgiving, Nutritional Services staff prepared more than 1,200 Thanksgiving meals that were given to patients in need by Community Care physicians and staff in Caruthers, Dinuba and Selma.

Headlines, Health Care, Non Profit

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